Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Year

I never make New Year's resolutions, because inevitably I always break them. I usually do not give my resolutions too much thought either. I generally opt for the standard resolution fare and before the clock strikes midnight I've already abandoned ship. However, with twenty three years of unfulfilled resolutions behind me and it being the start of a new decade, I thought it appropriate to rethink my resolutions. I began by thinking about things I wanted to do, books to read and things I wanted to learn. Ultimately, everything circled back to food and I have a sneaking suspicion that this year I just might keep my resolutions.

1. Continue to read and learn as much as possible about food, wine and culture.
2. Perfect my pie crust and bake a delicious pie complete with a beautifully crimped crust.
3. Make pasta from scratch
4. Drink beer on the porch with my dad and master the art of the grill
5. Dabble in Asian cuisine
6. Roast a chicken.
7. Make homemade preserves


  1. I like your idea of food-related New Year's Resolutions. I've decided to make a point to try and actually cook something (and I'm not letting boiling water for pasta count as cooking) at least once a week, and I want to host at least one dinner party during the year. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I think those are fabulous resolutions! Good luck!

  3. Great resolutions! Send me a jar of jam...

    Your Malbec recommendation in the new Saveur? Awesome! Love following your cooking adventures.

  4. Hi Brian! Yes, I intend to keep my resolutions for once haha! When I make jam, I'll be sure to send you some! That was my Malbec recommendation! All very exciting! I was so thrilled to see my name in print :)
    Take care! xx
